Saturday, November 13, 2010

We're heading in the right direction..

Today was a MUCH better day. I was able to get a good nights rest and made my way to the hospital around 10 this morning. I went into the room to see my mom and was informed that her liver enzymes have come down a lot since Friday, her lungs have cleared and looked really good on the X-ray, they've lowered the rate of her respiratory so that she is almost completely breathing on her own and they have taken her off the sedation meds and she is now waking up a little. GOD IS SO AMAZING. yesterday i was pretty much told there was no hope and today she has drastically improved. God has His hand ALL over this and I love it! Of course she still isnt cured nor is she close to being back to normal, but she's headed in the right direction and that is good enough for me. The longer she is in the hospital the better she will get. PLEASE KEEP PRAYING. Prayer is truly working miracles here, the more prayer the better and just because we receive a positive report does not mean we need to stop.  

For those people who have gone through different things like this, you understand the weight of whats going on. I cannot express the joy it brought me to be able to talk to my mom and her open her eyes and look straight at me. She hears what I am saying and for her to be able to comprehend that I love her is a big deal. I have told her over and over again that she has so many people praying for her and that right now she is SO loved. Gah it gives me chills thinking about it. I look forward to going and sitting with her tomorrow, reading the bible to her and just enjoying her company. That means more to me than anything right now. 

Also, this is really off topic but i just feel like i need to put this out there. I dont really know who all reads this blog and it wasnt my intentions to put it on facebook until all this started happening with mommy. I dont know the situations any of you might be in or the lifestyle you might be living, but this goes out to you. Life is too short to live without Jesus Christ living in you. Yes, living a life of sin can be fun but i promise you having God in your life is the best thing that will ever happen to you. Surrendering your life to him, i mean giving EVERY BIT OF IT to Him will lead to the best life you could imagine. Jesus loves you, yes YOU. No matter what you've done and im stressing this, NO MATTER WHAT. Your life can be filth and HE LOVES YOU. Please dont waste you life without Him. With Him your life will reach its fullest potentials. He will fill your heart and you will experience a love unimaginable. Life goes by fast, dont live it without Him.

I really appreciate all the prayers going up for my mom. Keep praying, my God is powerful, He will work miracles and I am fully confident in that. Keep praying. 

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