Friday, November 12, 2010


Today has been a very rough day. It's all really starting to hit me, the weight of everything going on that is. My mo is in critical condition. She could turn for the worst or the best at any second, everything is still up in the air. Her liver still isn't looking good but she's staying pretty stable. Nothing is getting worse right now and the longer she is there, the better they can help make her. I truly believe that God can work a miracle in this situation, it may take a while and it may be a VERY long journey ahead, but He has the power to do anything. 

I met with one of the doctors today and after talking to him, I'm no longer going to be going to being Kenya this November. He basically told me that her health is on the line and being across the world would not be a good idea. At this point, my emotions are all over the place. I love being able to see my family and i love seeing my friends that have willingly sacrificed their weekends just to spend time with me, but it sucks that it has to be these circumstances. One minute im crying, the next minute im just staring and then the next im smiling with my fam. Today has been quite a journey and it's not getting any easier. 

Please Please Please keep praying, my God can do amazing things. Whether that be His plan here, i dont know, but whatever happens is His will and there's a reason for what goes on. Do not lose hope. Keep praying and spread it to others so that they can keep praying.

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