Tuesday, November 23, 2010

workout, dinner and dancing with the stars.

The title pretty much sums up my day. I worked out, ate dinner with my brother, got coffee with my best friend, then went back to the hospital to watch TV with mommy and work on some homework. Today my mom got to move rooms which is a good sign. She was on a floor that required her heart to be monitored and required the nurses to keep a closer watch at all of her vital signs. Now she's on a floor that doesn't require heart monitoring and might i add her room is much nicer! Also, today during physical therapy, she sat in a chair by herself for an hour and 15 minutes. Good signs mean we're still heading in the right direction. Praise Jesus :)

Dinner with my brother was awesome. he is constantly amazing me with his faith and strength in Christ. he is so strong to be so young. Our topic over dinner was sinning. We talked about how what we see as "little sins" are really "big sins" that can easily hurt our testimony. saying no to things and not taking part in sinful activities are the little things that set Christians apart. We may look at something and say "oh its really not that bad" but in reality, it is a big deal. if we are trying to live our lifes as a Christian we cannot participate in things that make us "normal". (this is always such a hypocritical topic because of course everyone sins and every one is bound to mess up in some way, but this just really touched my heart tonight). Not participating in these things make other people step back and say hey, whats different about them? why dont they do these things that we do? It's a way for people to actively see Jesus living in you. Just a mini lesson of the night.

Also, my quiet time was once again awesome. ive been reading some in Psalms and some in John, but tonight i stuck to John. It's so awesome learning about Jesus and really getting to know Him and the life He lived. I've read these passages plenty of times but going through all this with mommy made me read it in a different light. We deserved those nails, the cross and death. He did not. No matter what we're going through in life, BE THANKFUL. We're alive and by no means do we deserve that. So, i will take these trials and even when they suck, i will try my hardest to be thankful because He took my place and saved me from a lifetime of misery. 

Im done with preaching now. I've just been fired up ever since dinner, i think i could run up to random people and just go crazy telling them about Jesus. I'm done blabbering but just a side note, im so excited that jennifer won dancing with the stars. 

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