Welp, back at school and studying my brains out for Chemistry, this blog is my little break. I came bath to Athens on Sunday and my mom is still improving. God is constantly and steadily working in our lives. He may not be seen as much in the little things, but He is definitely still there and fighting for us.
Yesterday my small group leader from high school text me and reminded me, don't be too strong for the Lord, he has this all in His hands and that being upset, tired, mad, etc is okay because HE wants to be my strength. I constantly feel like i'm putting on a front for some of my family and it was so good to be reminded that God obviously doesn't need a front because He knows everything and I don't have too pretend. My weakness is just a way for me to continue to build my life on Him and become stronger in my walk with Christ.
Just a verse to share:
"Very truly I tell you, when you were younger you dressed yourself and went where you wanted; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.” Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God." John 21:18-19
I really felt like this verse pretty much sums up everything I have been going through. We will be lead into places we do not want to go, but they are for God's glory and we must not forget that.
A quick confession, i've just been feeling really down lately. I guess with all thats been going on I'm just mentally and physically exhausted and i really dont feel like i've been myself in these past few days. I hate it. In the back of my mind i find myself wishing for everything to be back to the way they were years ago, before everything started going insane, but i know this is where i need to be. I know this could be a turning point for my family, so i just keep praying for everything to work out. God's got this.
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