Monday, November 22, 2010

Improvements are being made.

Since the last time i have posted, not much has been going on. I sit at the hospital everyday with nana and our cousin lynn, they leave and then i stay until mommy falls asleep or doesnt really need my help doing anything anymore. Last Wednesday when i got back in town mommy could not move on her own, hold anything, feed herself, or do any everyday normal function. Today she is holding her own cups, feeding herself (within moderation..she cant reach up high enough to reach the tray over her bed), moving her arms and leg more and more every time i see her, and this afternoon when i walked in Physical Therapy had her STANDING UP!!! of course they were helping hold her up, but she was STANDING!! So amazing. Tomorrow they plan on doing more with her and I cannot wait to see the many more improvements she is going to make. Seriously God has not ceased to amaze any of our family with this. My mom being alive right now is a miracle. The fact that she was alive was good enough for me, but now she's constantly regaining movement; I feel like God is sending miracles her way EVERY single day. He has over and over again proved his power to our family in these past 2 weeks. Man, my mom is going to have SUCH a testimony after this. 

"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." John 16:22
You may be going through something that isn't fun to deal with, that honestly probably really sucks, but with God you will rejoice again and you will have joy. He is all we need.

Side note:

Please keep praying for the recovery of my mom. like i keep saying, she still has a long road ahead of her and I know its really not fun for her to be laid up in a hospital bed 24/7 so just keep praying for that recovery!

Also, there's a team from NewSpring in Kenya this week, be praying them up. This is the trip i was suppose to be on and i hope they are having an awesome time! Pray for their safety and pray for life change in them and the life of the Kenyans. They are doing some amazing work over there.

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