Tuesday, started off being a hard day. Being overseas is absolutely amazing, but it does have it's downs. Yesterday, I found myself missing home a lot. Not only was I missing home, but my anxieties of all the things I have to get done when I return home got to me. I have a TON to do before I start school at South Carolina in the fall. To go along with all of those things in my head, I haven't talked to my mom since I left. I have no idea how she's doing because she doesn't have internet to contact me. I can honestly only suspect the worst, but I really have no clue. She is on my heart everyday and I pray constantly that her desire to beat addiction is as great as my desire for her to be free of it. With all of that attacking me yesterday morning, the first 3 surgeries I sat through were not the best and I didn't want to go play with any of the children in the ward because I just wasn't in the mood. But thankfully, God has a way of working through others to comfort us and love us. One of the nurses could tell I wasn't in the most chipper of moods, she told me to go scrub in to the surgery in the other room. That automatically put me in a better mood than I was in. So, I did as I was told, scrubbed in and was helping prep the patient when Dr. Mbuguae handed me the scalpel and asked if I wanted to make the cut!!! Not only did I make my first incision yesterday, I made my first 3!!
The Second Cut |
Holding the Tendon |
Life Changed. |
Scrubbing into surgery yesterday was a major day changer. We also had the opportunity to meet a group of guys passing through Kijabe on a mission trip. I always love hearing the stories of other people's passions and knowing that it all comes down to one thing, spreading the love of Christ.
Wednesday, today I spent the majority of my day watching a spine fusion. The time that I wasn't in the O.R,
Cassie and I tracked down the Spiritual Director here at Cure to let her know that we are really interested in seeing more of the spiritual ministry being done. She was so excited to hear that we want to be more involved and even offered for us to go on the spiritual retreat next week. Unfortunately we can't make that trip, but we are so excited to get more involved in ministry. Before we left the hospital today, Pastor Philip invited Cassie and I to join chapel that is held in the ward. Granted the entire service was in Swahili, the Spirit of the Lord was present. The smiles on the faces, the tears that the mothers shed, they were all real. I was able to understand part of one of the mother's testimony, "...now I have Jesus.." that was all I needed to hear. The Lord's work is being done in this hospital. He is using the Cure staff as His hands and feet and most importantly His Kingdom is growing.
Please continue to be in prayer for this hospital, these patients and their families. One life being changed in the hospital could lead to an entire community of change. I ask you to pray big.
In that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book, and out of their gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind see. The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the Lord, and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 29:18-19
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