Well the flight from Chicago to Brussels was probably the most uncomfortable trip i have ever been on. To put in in perspective, taking 1 benedryl can normally knock me out for a LONGGG night, but on this plane ride, it did absolutely nothing. So, with a total of 30 minutes of sleep, we arrived in Brussels at 8:30am (2:30am our time). A one hour lay over gave us just enough time to get the entire team across the airport and to our gate. Now, I sit and write on our flight to Nairobi. Oh a wonderful 10 hour flight.. To start off the first hour, the Lord really encouraged me when reading 1 Thessalonians 1 and 2. I have also been reading Radical by David Platts. I'm only 2 chapters in and im SO challenged by the things im reading. When we choose to follow God, He deserves ALL of our life, not just bits and pieces. He literally wants EVERYTHING and in order to fully follow him, we must be willing to give up anything.
I have to say, God is literally rocking my world and im not even in Africa yet. As we were boarding the plane, everyone on our team got seperated and we were all dispersed throughout the airplane. A young man started walking towards me and in my head im thinking "well crap, he must be in the seat next to me." In all honesty I was really wanting to have the 2 seats to myself to attempt to get some sleep and not to mention, avoid the awkward flight conversation. Not too long after he sat down, the conversation started. So who are you? where are you from? why are you going to kenya? etc. Well, Ian is from Nairobi, him and his rugby team were flying back to school from the tournament they just played in Paris. He speaks swahili and taught me some new things and he helped me write a letter to give to Francis. We chatted the entire plane ride about everything, but we really got to talking about Christianity and the Bible. Quite frankly, this guy knows better english than any of us do and he knows wayy more about the Bible than i do. We talked about the Rapture and the Seven Seals. He also told me stories that they had heard relating to the Bible. All of it was just very intriguing. The flight ended up being very enjoyable and im very glad i met all the Kenyan boys!
We are FINALLY in Nairobi. They plane landed, we checked through customs, exchanged our money, got our luggage and spotted Alfred. Alfred would be our 410 leader for the week. He met us right outside the airport, waving a sign and greeting us with a huge smile and a big thumbs up!! I cant even describe how i was feeling at that moment. On the bus ride to the hotel, i broke down. I am finally here, serving the Lord and tomorrow i would be on my way to Segera, heading to meet the people i have so longed to meet!! GOD IS GOOD!
i apologize for the fact that i am a horrible writer and changed tenses in this blog post about 1000 times. It will continue to happen and i will continue to apologize. You can see why i am not an english major..
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