It has been quite a while since i've blogged and I have to say i've missed it. unfortunately with finals, Christmas and all the other things going on, my life was just too hectic to even sit down and think about blogging. My Christmas break was amazing. seriously, i am SOOO blessed with an awesome group of friends and i thank God for them daily. To have friends that love Jesus and shine His light every where they go is such a blessing. I love you all and thank you so much for being apart of my life. I am also very very blessed with my family.
This might be off topic, but i feel like i really need to write it. God's really been pressing on my heart with forgiveness and with all the has been going on with my family in the past few months, it really applies to my life. I have been holding anger and bitterness towards a few people and God has really made me struggle with that. For those who may be apart of my family or for those who know the situation, you know it is easy to have anger towards someone. For some you may hold anger towards my mom and for some you may hold anger towards Mark. We have a Savior who left Heaven, left His perfect place, to come to our level, to a place where perfect doesn't exist. to a place where temptation, pain and suffering do exist. He did this to save me and you from our sins. What we struggle to realize is that every sin is equal to another. When we sin, God doesn't care whether we commit murder or if we lie to our parents, He loves us the SAME. What God has been forcing me to apply to my life is that since my sin is equal to the sin of my mom and Mark, who am i to hold those sins against them? I can no longer hold anger and bitterness towards them because I am forgiven for all of the stupid things i do. This may not apply to you with my family situation, but it could apply to something in your life. Im here to tell you, forgiveness is powerful.
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