I haven't posted in a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been doing anything!! The excitement and newness of everything is beginning to wear off and I'm getting in the swing of things here in Kijabe. The hospital has continued to stay steady and we see different patients each week. This week I got to follow around Dr. Theuri at the clinic and help him do rounds. The cases that we saw ranged from follow up visits to constricted neck muscles to a man wanting to get cleared 15 years after his surgery to drive. One of the follow up cases that I had the priveledge to sit in on was Alpha. Alpha had his surgery on both of his deformed legs in February and now he smiles from ear to ear because he has crutches and gets to start walking. You can check out his story
here. His story is a perfect example of why Cure does what they do. Rejected from school, healed from surgery and now the joy that this kid illuminates is remarkable. I decided this week that I was going to make get well cards for all of the kids in the ward. I've really been wanting to dive more into the ministry here, but when I'm in surgery's all day it makes it a little more difficult. I figured the get well cards would be an awesome way to love on kids and share scripture with them. I love getting more into a routine at the hospital. Cassie and I are more known around the hospital than when we first arrived, we know faces and are building really great friendships with a lot of the staff.
Friday, was a national Kenyan holiday, very similar to our Independence Day, so none of us had to work. Instead, the O.R. staff decided to go on a 6 hour hike. When they first told us that we were going on a hike, I expected trails and hills. Something similar to what we would hike in America....but oh how I was SO wrong. Our hike began when we were dropped off on the side of the highway to meet our guide. We walked a good 30 minutes around a mountain, down and up a 90 degree hill. We finally made it to where our hike was to begin. There we met up with 2 rangers, dressed out in full camo, boots and both equipped with fully loaded rifles. Walking towards the forest, Cassie slipped on mud and twisted her ankle. When you're in the middle of no where, having a sprained ankle isn't the best. The boys carried her back up to the road (30 minutes back) and she was picked up by a man on a piki piki (motorcycle) and he drove her back home. In the meantime while waiting for the boys to come back, I met some kids collecting firewood for their homes, learned how to carry firewood and Lauren and I both had a little fun with the machetes. We finally reach the opening of the forest and our guide tells us, "We see signs that there are elephants in the forest. We need to remain very quiet, do not panic because we don't want to disturb the wild elephants in their natural habitat." Then, both of the rangers simultaneously cock their rifles. Lauren and I both look at each other thinking "what the heck did we just get ourselves into." What we got ourselves into was a forest with no trails, our ranger Stephen made them for us with his machete, slippery 90 degree hills, spiky dangerous trees, wild elephants and monkeys in the distance and lauren and myself on our butts more of the hike than on our feet. At one point, we had to cross a river. All of the Kenyans manage to jump over, land perfectly and continue along their way. Well, Lauren goes first, jumps across and finds herself knee deep in mud. Then comes my turn, I jump across, land in the water, fight to stand up and straight sink in the mud. It was absolutely hilarious. I have never been so exhausted, delirious and ready to be back at the house in my life. Overall it was still an awesome day.
View of the Forest from the top |
Trail Making Machete |
The Elephants |
Saturday, we had a much needed girls day out in Nairobi. We went to the Masai market and were straight attacked because we were white. We then went to the mall where we were able to get lattes, hamburgers, and pedicures. It was fabulous. Lauren's friend was in town, so while she went to meet up with him Cassie and I went to the park with our friends who drove us, Stephen and Samuel. They wanted to ride the paddle boats and then we all went to some hole in the wall Kenyan restaurant. The drive there and the drive home were so stressful. Kenyan driving is absolutely terrifying, lanes do not matter and neither do brake lights. Thankfully, we made it home safely.
Mall Time! |
Paddle Boats at the Park! |
I can't believe I only have a month left!! Please be praying for the Lord to use this next month to broaden His Kingdom even more. I'm still trying to figure out exactly how the Lord wants to use me in ministry here. I would love for people to be praying for every conversation, every get well card, even every time I paint a mothers nails. Pray that the Gospel is proclaimed, whether that be through actions or conversation. Thank you so much to everyone who has been praying and supporting me through th