Getting to work alongside doctors, "Healing the sick and proclaiming the Gospel." I still cannot grasp that I have been given this opportunity. I have done absolutely nothing to get there and the Lord has literally handed me this opportunity, but before I can get there I have to have the money to go. I absolutely HATE asking people for things and if i could, I would choose to be completely independent. However, some things just cannot be done on my own and getting to Kenya is one of them. It would be greatly appreciated if you could join in and help me get there. Even if it's only $1.00, any amount will help. I know money is tight for a lot of people and if donating is not an option for you, I would love if you could partner with me in prayer for this trip. I expect lives to be changed and bodies to be healed, but with prayer SO much more than that is possible. The prayer is equally as important as the money.
For an Online donation:
Or checks can be made to:
CURE International
Memo line: Haley Sanders
Please Mail to:
701 Bosler Avenue
Lemoyne, PA 17043
If you would like to support me through prayer, you can do so anonymously or if you would like to be apart of a prayer team you can email me at
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported and the calling the Lord has placed on my heart, I am truly blessed.